Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We know that search engines are each click will

We know that search engines are each click will display a consumer. Based on this initiative will demonstrate, the search engine to find e-commerce consumer groups, consumer characteristics, consumer trends and details on a particular brand preference. Cage covered with more than 95% of Chinese Internet users of Baidu, for example, the average daily search begging up to 5 billion, at an average of 100 billion search data form the basis of the huge sample library, Baidu is different and to put forward line.do not know since when, when we buy a product before a Statistics show that 57.5% of online shoppers access to the brand or product information to rely on search, The value of the search engine promotion, e-commerce enterprises, especially many from traditional industries to join the wave of corporate e-commerce Web site traffic on not only gained significant promotion, but also from product sales or corporate and product brand promotion on many crops, success e-commerce enterprises to achieve the has been the industry predicted Feibei International will establish different platform, with its upper hand, as e-commerce industry, New Horizons, and to promote e-commerce industry.

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